Delegatory Democracy
The person that best represents an individual is themself. But the legislative process is too time consuming for most people to invest the necessary time.
Delegatory Democracy balances this by allowing each citizen to keep or delegate their vote to any other citizen. Delegates can also keep or delegate their votes to any other citizen including other delegates.
The more votes someone has, the more votes they can cast.
Version: 001 Technical Research Spike
The purpose of this version is to inform the technical research spike's requirements by going through the process of defining a minimal model.
Governance Model
Details of Delegation
Each person gets 1 vote
Each person can delegate any of their votes to any other person
Each person can reclaim their vote on their turn
Rules of Lawmaking
Any person can propose a law
Laws are unrestricted in authority
Laws are passed by a simple majority
No quorum is required
Laws can be proposed at any time
Votes occur one turn after a law is proposed
Execution, Enforcement, and Review
All laws are automatically executed
All laws are automatically enforced
There is no legal review